pokeball logo
pokeball logo
PokeĢmon Logo

See if people on the Internet have an interest in this game

Clean up the styling on the site. Make it more useable

Add login functionality. So in the future we can notifty users if they are about to miss a daily puzzle

Create a daily puzzle system.

Different styling for daily vs unlimited game modes.

Let users see their stats.

Launch Version 1.0 on Reddit, will give the first users a chance to test and get a special cosmetic ball.

Let users track achievements, maybe custom pokeballs for first x users, etc.

Remind Users daily to play.

Generation filtering

Like https://pokedoku.com/ not all players know the new age Pokemon, create the ability to filter out by generation

Add more questions to the game. Like pokemon that would be weak to X etc.

Add a global leaderboard. Let users know who is the very best! Completeing daily levels increases rank.

Add support for Megas and GMax. More questions around them will be added.